



76. It may admit of a question whether some of the words, arranged under this head, should not be classed among the adjectives; and others among the personal nouns; but as on the one hand, they form the only exceptions to the general rules by which Malayalim adjectives are governed; and as under certain modifications they correspond to English adjective pronouns; it appears to me that they may fairly come under the appellation given above. I am the more confirmed in this opinion in consequence of the plan upon which this grammar is written: see the note The author has thought it would be convenient to the Student to arrange the different parts of speech, so far as the nature of the language will allow, under the same divisions and nomenclatures, as those, supposed to be, most familiar to persons acquainted with the English Language..
77. ഒക്ക, or ഒക്കയും. All, the whole. These words are sometimes declined; but this is not correct.
ഒക്ക is often used absolutely; as,
അവൻ ഒക്ക, or ഒക്കയും കൊണ്ടുവന്നു.
He brought all, or the whole.
ഒക്കയും is never prefixed to words; but follows nouns in any case; as,
അവൻ ൟ കാൎയ്യങ്ങളിൽ ഒക്കയും ശീലമുള്ളവനാകുന്നു.
He is accustomed to, or, has practice in all these matters.
അവൻ ആ പശുക്കളെ ഒക്കയും രക്ഷിച്ചു.
He saved all those cows.
78. എല്ലാം, All is neuter gender; but by removing the last letter and affixing അവരും, it becomes Masculine and Feminine; as,

16 The author has thought it would be convenient to the Student to arrange the different parts of speech, so far as the nature of the language will allow, under the same divisions and nomenclatures, as those, supposed to be, most familiar to persons acquainted with the English Language.
A personal pronoun in the singular number Mas. gender, in the sense of each one, every one, is sometimes used; as,
എല്ലാവനും അവനവന്റെ സ്വന്ത കാൎയ്യങ്ങൾ നൊക്കെണം.
Each one must look to his own affairs.
The above forms are used absolutely in all their cases; thus,
എല്ലാവരും വന്നു, All (persons) came.
അവൻ എല്ലാം കൊണ്ടുവന്നു, he brought all.
എല്ലാവരും is affixed to nouns with which it agrees: and both the noun and affix ought to be declined in the case required; as,
നിങ്ങൾ എല്ലാവരും വരെണം.
You must all come.
ദൈവത്തിന്റെ കൃപ നിങ്ങളൊട എല്ലാവരൊടും കൂടെ ഇരിക്കട്ടെ.
May the mercy of God rest upon you all.
When this word is used as an adjective, the last letter of the neuter nominative is dropped, and the remainder of the word is prefixed to nouns, and governed like all other adjectives; as,
എല്ലാ മനുഷ്യരും, All men. എല്ലാ കാൎയ്യങ്ങളും, All things.
79. Many words of this class are formed by the numeral ഒന്ന, which in composition is ഒരു, and the personal pronouns അവൻ, and അവർ, as ഒരുവൻ: but this form is seldom used, and that for the Mas. gender only.
Instead of which they add ത്തൻ and ത്തി to ഒരു for the masculine and feminine and use ഒന്ന for the neuter; as,
Mas. Fem. Neuter.
ഒരുത്തൻ, ഒരുത്തി, ഒന്ന, one.
80. Our words each, or one by one, are formed by doubling ഒരു, which is written ഒരൊരു; and adding the above pronominal termination; as,
Mas. Fem. Neuter.
ഒരൊരുത്തൻ, ഒരൊരുത്തി, ഒരൊന്ന, Each, one by one.
81. Our words whoever and whatever are formed by the help of ഒരുത്തൻ: and the Sanscrit word യഃ, which becomes in Malayalim യാവനൊരുത്തൻ.
This is again into the language in Common use; as,
Mas. Fem. Neuter.
യാതൊരുത്തൻ, യാതൊരുത്തി, യാതൊന്ന, Whoever, whatever.
82. Our word another is formed by the help of ഒരുത്തൻ prefixed to the adjective മറ്റ; thus,
Mas. Fem. Neuter.
റ്റൊരുത്തൻ, മറ്റൊരുത്തി, മറ്റൊന്ന, Another.
83. Other words of this class are formed from the adjective മറ്റ, other; വല്ല, any; and ഇന്ന, such, prefixed to personal pronouns; as,
The personal pronouns are added to the adjectives പല, many, and ചില, some; but these are seldom used as nouns except in the masculine and feminine plural, and ചില in the neuter singular; as,
പലർ, Many persons.
ചിലർ, Some people. ചിലത, Some part.
84. Negatives of this part of speech are formed by adding ഉം to the pronouns and affixing ഇല്ല, to the pronoun, or to the following verb; as,
Mas. Fem. Neuter.
ഒരുത്തനുമില്ല, ഒരുത്തിയുമില്ല, ഒന്നുമില്ല, No one, nothing.
ഞാൻ ഒന്നും കണ്ടില്ല, I saw nothing.
Nobody and nothing, are made also by the help of ആര and എത.
ആരുമില്ല, Nobody, no person. എതുമില്ല, Nothing.
ആൎക്കും അത ചെയ്വാൻ വഹിയാതെ ഇരുന്നു.
No one was able to do that.
The whole of the above words, that have the personal affixes, are declined. and governed in all cases like the personal nouns. When the pronominal terminations are dropped they are used as adjectives; thus,
ഒരൊരൊ പുസ്തകം, Each book.
ചില കാൎയ്യങ്ങൾ, Some affairs.
മറ്റൊരു പശു, Another cow.

!Designed By Praveen Varma MK!