



139. The arrangement of the different parts of speech, in the Malayalim language, is in many respects opposite to that in the English; thus a noun precedes its governing particle, and a finite verb always closes a sentence.
When relating any thing that has been said by a third person it is usual to repeat the words of the original speaker; as,
ഞാൻ പൊകുമെന്ന അവൾ പറഞ്ഞു.
She said she would go. lit. I will go.
ഞങ്ങൾ അവിടെ പൊയി എന്ന അവർ പറയുന്നു.
They said that they went there, lit. they said we went there.
140. As to the manner of using the different words, it is to be observed, as a general rule, that in short sentences, the nominative case must be placed first; all other parts of speech are to be arranged according to the relation they bear each other.
141. In the following concise rules, which are illustrated by suitable examples and idiomatick phrases, the agreement of words, and the construction of Malayalim sentences will be fully exhibited.

142, When two nouns come together, one of which denotes the title or attribute of the other, they are rendered; thus,
1st. The present or past participle of ആകുന്നു is affixed to the nominative case of the first noun, which must be the attributive, and the second noun, in the case required, is added to the participle; as,
ദൈവമാകുന്ന കൎത്താവ ഇപ്രകാരം കല്പിച്ചു.
The Lord God commanded thus.
പഠിപ്പിക്കുന്നവനായ ഗിവൎഗീസ വന്നു.
George the Teacher came.
പ്രജകൾക്ക സ്നെഹിതനായ കൊച്ചീലെ ദിവാനിജിയുടെ കാൎയ്യം.
The business of the Cochin Dewan, the friend of the inhabitants.
2nd. When there are more attributives than one, the Conjunctive particle ഉം must be added to each of them, and the participle affixed to the last, to which the other noun must be added as in the last case; as,
രാക്ഷസന്മാരെ നശിപ്പിക്കുന്നവനും നല്ല മനുഷ്യരെ രക്ഷിക്കുന്നവന്നുമായ രാമൻ ആ വഴിയെ പൊയി. Many English adjectives, and particularly such as follow nouns, or are used emphatically, are rendered into Malayalim by the personal noun: and used as above; thus,
ശുദ്ധിമാനായ പരശുരാമൻ. Parashuramen the holy.
ബുദ്ധിയുള്ളവനും നല്ലവനുമായ ചെരനാമ്പെരുമാൾ.
Charanamparumal the wise and good.
സൎവ്വശക്തനും നിത്യനുമായ ദൈവമെ. Almighty and Everlasting God.
Ramen the preserver of good men and destroyer of the Rachases went that way.
In a few instances nouns are connected by the particle ആം; as,
പുത്രരിൽ ജ്യെഷ്ഠനാം ദുൎയ്യൊധനൻ.
Durodanen the eldest son.
3rd. If many nouns come together, or if other words are placed between the nouns, the form is sometimes as follows,
സകലത്തിന്റെയും സ്രഷ്ടാവായി, സകല ഹൃദയങ്ങളെയും ശൊധന ചെയ്യുന്നവനായി, തന്നെ സെവിക്കുന്നവരുടെ രക്ഷിതാവായിരിക്കുന്ന ദൈവം നല്ലവനാകുന്നു.
God, the creator of all things, the searcher of all hearts, and the preserver of those who put their trust in Him, is good.
This form is mostly confined to Native writings; in conversation they generally adhere to the former mode; as,
സകലത്തിന്റെയും സൃഷ്ടിതാവും സകല ഹൃദയങ്ങളെയും ശൊധന ചെയ്യുന്നവനും, തന്നെ സെവിക്കുന്നവരുടെ രക്ഷിതാവുമായ ദൈവം നല്ലവനാകുന്നു.

!Designed By Praveen Varma MK!